Night Reischer

Warrior of Darkness(Formerly)/Erebus (Azem)
Owner of The Knight's Haven:

"It's high time... for me to uphold a promise. I'm home."Homeworld: Malboro - Crystal Data Center((Note from author: Night's road had been of the Warrior of Light and Darkness so there would be the headcanons than retell the complete story of FFXIV))


Night's personality can come off as different depending on where he is at and with who. When he is by himself and doing his own ventures, he tends to be rough around the edges, keeping conversations short. During his time in Hydaelyn, he came to a realization that not all people were bad. He shows concern when people around him be controlled. He shows sadness when someone he is close to is hurt or worse. He eventually warms up to those he cares for, smiling around them. When it comes to affection, he doesn't show it openly.

Night's Backstory

Night is of the very rare demon race and was born in Kalm in the world of Gaea. Instead of a demonic appearance, he had looked like a regular human. Being the only son and no relatives, he had nowhere to go and unsure of what to do when his parents were forced to act as if they were abandoning him in order to protect him. With no personal ties, he began to believe that only the strong existed in the world. With training, he had focused on using darkness as his affinity. He eventually warmed up to someone who has worked as a Record Keeper, his work taking him to Hydaelyn where his adventures had begun in Ul'dah.

Main Class/Job: Gladiator/PaladinMain-ARRNight's travels had been one of the Warrior of Light after arriving in Ul'dah. Being skilled with the blade, he joined the Gladiators' Guild in hopes to start from scratch upon realizing his power and strength as the "demon of darkness" were gone. Not so long after joining the Gladiator's Guild, he later met Thancred, a Hyur whose hair contrasted his own. Despite his change, he was skeptical of the smooth-talking Hyur even on the second meeting. Their paths crossed again for the third time as Night had fought a black-masked Ascian and a voidsent and became injured in the fight. Having no choice but to let Thancred assist in treating him, he allowed it while telling the other Hyur of what he was and where he came from. As expected, the white-haired one was skeptical but had left it as that before taking his leave.Despite aiding in Scions' cause as the "new Warrior of Light," he kept his distance from them, a habit that began after he was left alone.Angered by the fact the Ascian named Lahabrea possessed Thancred, Night yelled out to Thancred despite knowing that reaching out to him bore no fruit. After speaking to the Alliance leaders of not accepting Gaius val Baelsar's ultimatum, Night took his leave from the Scions to think. It was then that Lahabrea had appeared before him and taunted him of what was spoken upon the escape and Thancred's thoughts. Knowing he couldn't do anything to save his friend, Night allowed the Ascian to leave. After the events of the Praetorium and with a warm "Welcome Home," Night knew (but still stubbornly wouldn't admit) that his new home and his new family were with the Scions.

He allowed the Doman children to talk to him on their way to Revenant's Toll as they had reminded him of himself when he was their age. As much as Alphinaud was enthusiastic of the newly formed Crystal Braves, Night was anything but that, having his suspicions on those like Ilberd.Upon taking the task regarding Lady Iceheart, he had met the latter for the first time and fighting her when she was Shiva. The events had caused him to wonder if the individual in question was truly an enemy that needed to be fought like the Garlean Empire.With the grief that was shown in the Scions after Moenbryda's sacrifice to destroy Nabriales in the white auracite, Night went into a state of self-blame, knowing that if it wasn't for Midgardsormr's bind on him, he would have destroyed the Ascian easier. That self-blame became greater as some of the Crystal Braves betrayed the Scions and was accused of regicide against Nanamo, resulting in the Scions to flee but later separate and leaving Night alone to escape.

Main Jobs: Dark Knight/Black MageMain-HWAfter becoming a ward to House Fortemps, he heard of a rumor about a dead male in the Brume while having a tour of the Holy See. Curious, he excused himself away from Tataru and Alphinaud. It was in the Brume where he saw the supposed dead male, a peculiar Soul Crystal next to him. Night picked up the Soul Crystal only to be covered by darkness. Being used to it due to his past affinity, he was quickly attuned to it, gaining the affinity for darkness much like what he had prior to arriving in Eorzea. The events caused the male to awaken and see promise in Night, introducing himself as Fray. Immediately, Fray took Night and introduced him to the arts as Dark Knight. Afterward, Night promised that he would train in the arts during his travels.After defeating Nidhogg and further training as a Dark Knight, he encounters Fray once again but the encounter had turned into a fight against himself. During the time, he was hesitant, knowing that his "other self" reminded him so much of how he was before he arrived in Eorzea. Even after winning, he had to make a promise to call for his "other self" in time.The self-blame he placed on himself since the bloody banquet in Ul'dah and the death of Moenbryda had increased upon Haurchefant protecting him from Zephirin's attack. Not only did it place the self-blame but it caused a desire for revenge when he witnessed Edmont and his family mourn for their family member.

Upon defeating Bismarck in order to get the key to Azys Lla, he encountered Thordan as well as the Ascian, Igeyorhm. Despite using just a dark energy beam to hold Night in place, his weakened Blessing of Light as well as his connection to darkness caused a mutation to his body, causing him to have a form of a Xaela. Yet despite the change, even Y'shtola could tell he was still the same by his aether.Ysayle's death caused the guilt within him grew as he did not once judge her despite her initial beliefs and distrust toward him and Estinien.Upon meeting Lahabrea and Igeyorhm, Lahabrea taunted Night by reminding him of what he had done to Thancred. However, Night had taken the opportunity to fight the Ascian pair without needing to worry of harm toward his friends.Watching Estinien get possessed by Nidhogg and taking his leave almost caused Night to search for the dragoon as he had grown close to Estinien due to their similarities. However, he was convinced to return to Ishgard following the events. Despite the celebration of Ishgard joining the Eorzean Alliance, Night could not bring himself to be in peace as Haurchefant and Ysayle was dead and Estinien wasn't anywhere to be found because of Nidhogg. The Warrior of Light could only train himself in the arts of the dark knight as he was not going to rely on his "other self.".

After encountering Ardbert and reuniting with Thancred, Night was relieved at first. However, the reminder of the missing Minfilia caused an emotional rift to be made by Night, knowing fully well that he was unable to protect Minfilia and was separated from her. Giving the news to the Hyur about the outcomes from the Antitower caused Night to feel guilty. However, despite the emotional rift, they still share a manner of friendship.
Upon needing to fight Nidhogg with the help of Hraesvelgr, Night was angered when Nidhogg taunted him with Estinien's body being used. Being reminded of the circumstance of Lahabrea possessing Thancred, Night cursed at Nidhogg for possessing Estinien. After the situation and Estinien was conscious again, Night was visibly relieved but did not verbally say it.After Ga Bu lost his parents and became tempered, Night became sympathetic towards the young kobold. The main reason was that Night, too, had lost a parent (his mother) due to unfortunate circumstances.

Before the final encounter with Ardbert and his companions as well as reuniting with Yda and Papalymo, Alisaie procured a potion (a Fantasia) for Night to use in hopes to return to his former Hyur look. However, the painful end result was he did not become a Hyur again but a Duskwight Elezen. The reason for this could be due to the fact that before Eorzea, he lived some of his years in solitude as well as his beliefs and an "anti-hero" role.Meeting Minfilia with the two parties (both his and Ardbert's) made Night only a little bit at peace yet he still held guilt ever since the Antitower.As Papalymo was about to sacrifice himself to seal Shinryu, Night chose to stay with him. The reason was that he did not want to lose anyone after Minfilia. Even though he chose that, he was forced to retreat. That want to not lose anyone became nonexistent upon Yda (which revealed to be Lyse) confirming the outcome. Night's behavior had then started to become recluse after the events.

Main Class: Dark KnightMain-StormbloodNight's hair became longer and had dark red highlights in them but are barely noticeable until in direct sunlight.After the events at Baelsar's Wall, Night had been unable to smile.Having to lose to Zenos the first couple of instances, Night became more recluse as he believed he wasn't strong enough to protect those around him. Since the loses, he aimed to have revenge against the Garlean Prince yet held some respect as one swordsman to another.During his tasks, he further improved his skills as a Dark Knight. Yet his training had him to meet Myste, his appearance having a combination of Haurchefant and Ysayle. The final confrontation gave Night no choice but to call upon Fray. Once the confrontation was over, he accepted both of them, his left eye became silver (as what Fray's eye color was) as a result. It was also then that he learned even though he lost people, he still had those who were still alive and needed him, coming back to his former self and no longer recluse.Deciding not to have it show, he asked for Thancred's help in having a bandana fashioned after his own to cover the silver eye, knowing a long (and difficult) story would have to be told.When the fight against Zenos occurred in Ala Mhigo, he was more focused and was successful. Yet when he was offered to join Zenos, he refused as he knew that his calling was the Warrior of Light and with his friends who became his family.As the Scions were summoned from their bodies, Night became scared and worried. Not wanting to lose anyone else, he chose to journey to the First in order to get them back.

Main Job: Dark Knight
Secondary Job: Black Mage
As he arrived in the First and for a little while, he squinted his eyes, clearly not used to the intensity of Light that plagued the shard. This was either due to the fact that he was not used to such brightness in the Source or he was more attuned to darkness due to his combat skills as a Dark Knight.At first, he disliked the notion of being the Warrior of Darkness. Yet he came to terms with it as the title had suited him more than the title of Warrior of Light.Upon his escape from Ran'jit thanks to the help of both Thancred and the Crystal Exarch in Lakeland, he loses the bandana that covered his silver eye. Upon being asked about it, he only responded that it was a long story.Prior to Ryne becoming herself, Night was not used to seeing her likeness as Minfilia, his mind going back to the events in Ul'dah and the few times he had spoken with her. Yet he treated her as a companion more than just an incarnation of Minfilia.When he met Emet-selch, he was not only guarded but curious as he thought there was a very distinct form of familiarity.As he absorbed the essence of the Lightwardens, he started to feel off at first before starting to be in pain with every Lightwarden absorbed as he had more ties to darkness. Despite the concerns of others and the pain from the Light, he pressed on with his duties.

After he absorbed Innocence's Light, his entire being began to break. While Ryne was successful in preventing the Light from turning Night into a sin eater, the Light caused his hair to turn pure white, only leaving his dark red highlights alone.He planned to leave to the Tempest on his own, not wanting to risk the well-being of his companions. However, he knew he could not argue with them or make them stay as they decided to join.Despite having Ardbert's help, Night lost the ability to used light (astral)-based aether and abilities such as white magic after the defeat of Hades. The reason for the inability to use such things was the fact that he was so attuned to darkness and dark (umbral)-based aether and the Light from the Wardens took a heavy toll on him due to that fact.As he accepted the fact that he was an incarnation of Azem, he came to a realization that he came to the Source with a purpose rather than a coincidence.Night had grown distant from the others after helping them return to the Source but still retained friendliness when talking to them, the personality akin to before he met them and got close to them. This would result in failing to tell them personally about his leave to the First so he would stay there. Yet he returned to the Source for a moment to speak with them following an event in Bozja before returning to live in the First.During the events of Eden, he gradually grew attached to Gaia. This resulted in him taking her under his wing as a father-figure. Even after the events of Eden's Promise, that connection did not change.

Before the events of Eden's Promise, Ryne and Gaia offered to cut his hair. Their indecisiveness resulted in his new hairstyle yet he did not become angry but kept the hairstyle instead.After talking to his companions in the Source, he stayed in the First for a little while until he received word of Alisaie's idea for curing the tempered via Feo Ul. He arrived just in time to assist in curing the kobold patriarch's tempered state.After the arrival of Fandaniel and his Lunar Bahamut as well as mentions concerning Zenos, Night returned to the First so he could speak to Ryne and Gaia. He told them that he would be back as soon as everything was over, not wanting to put them in danger due to the Ascian and only having Feo Ul to keep in contact with them. Gaia had a necklace made of atriciraptorskin as a gift to Night to which the former started to wear all the time until he would come back so the two can be a family again.

Upon returning to the Rising Stones, he was offered with a hair cut to where he agreed to have it done to make it nicer.The mark over Night's left eye was a parting gift from Fray. However, it had been often mistaken as a typical tattoo for a Duskwight.He started to hold a great dislike toward Fourchenault. While his own father had been forced to abandon Night in order to protect him, he was not happy for the other Elezen's decision when it came to the twins.After the events in Carteneau, both Urianger and Estinien offered to teach Night in their ways of combat as a means to balance Night's role as a Dark Knight.

Main Job: Dark Knight
Sub-Jobs: Astrologian, Dragoon
Before Endwalker, Night had a change of armor from the default Dark Knight gear to a red shade of armor, the necklace given to him by Gaia seen around his neck.As he met Ameliance, he could not help but be reminded of his own mother. Only when Alphinaud and Alisaie were away did he make a mention of it to her.Night did not care for his well-being as he did his best to go to his companions' rescue against Zenos as the latter took control of his body. Even when he collapsed, he did not care of dying just as long as they were safe.During his time in Elpis, he kindled friendships with those there that he met. He especially got along well with Emet-Selch due to their personalities which only hurt him as soon as he told his new friends of their fates.As his companions each sacrificed themselves for his progress through Ultima Thule, he became burdened yet knew he couldn't fall into despair. The reason of it being was that they had been a family to him even if he did not say it out loud.In the final fight against Zenos, Night used his Living Shadow ability often, his skills as a Dark Knight complimenting Zenos' Reaper skills.When asked by his companions of what he was going to do after the events of Ultima Thule, he responded that he was going to fulfill a promise, suggesting that he was going to go back to the First to be there for Gaia and Ryne. Yet he promised that he would be coming to the Source to visit.

Before returning to the First, he left the blade he used in his journeys in the Rising Stones.Once he went to the First and settled in with Gaia and Ryne, he placed his armor in a chest and started to wear black casual clothes. In addition, he was given a new blade.He started a business that does delivery and sellsword services with Gaia and Ryne, calling it Warrior and Oracle Services, taking jobs around Norvrandt.Instead of having a chocobo, he was gifted an amaro, soon having a close bond with it like Ardbert had with Seto.When he visits the Source, he visits Tataru to make sure to give updates for the Scions.